And cycling just go hand in glove, especially when the snows on the ground and the barometer is still in the negative. And today the camaraderie was there in bucketfuls for the Edgware RC's turn at hosting the Chiltern Classics.
The turnout was very low and you had to feel for them, but the small group made it feel special.
Without my team mates for support choosing the fast group was bit optimistic, but I went for it anyway. And at 9am sharp we were shoved out into the cold. And without a word, a look, a move of the hand a small group of six formed and hunkered up into two up for the whole 100kms.
The route or what I know about it was a tour of the villages with the hills of the Brickhills and Ivinghoe thrown in. Normally I'd go into detail about the route, but today was more about making sure you rode between the white stuff lining the roads and followed the Orange markers.
Banter was also a bit limited, but riding with experienced guys is always a pleasure. And when the riders know the unwritten rules of the group it's a double pleasure.
That said the highlight of the riding was going over the Beacon, with it's snow piled high each side and the mist getting thicker as you neared the top, that was truly stunning.
Once over the top the route back to the events HQ is a fast affair. And as the finish drew nearer we did start to talk to each other, mainly about the tea and cake that awaited us. My cake fantasy was like something from the Beano, thinking they must have made enough for a hundred riders and there were only forty of us tops....that's two each.
Back at event HQ it was handshakes all round, a good sit down and a cup of tea.
I do want to thank the guys I rode with. Two Henley riders, a Verulam rider, an ex Anglia Sport Hurret rider and an unattached rider.
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